# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: kelvinBen # Github: https://github.com/kelvinBen/AppInfoScanner import os import re import config import threading from queue import Queue import libs.core as cores from libs.core.parses import ParsesThreads class WebTask(object): thread_list =[] result_dict = {} def __init__(self, input, rules,all,threads): self.path = input if rules: config.filter_strs.append(r'.*'+str(rules)+'.*') self.all = all self.threads = threads self.file_queue = Queue() self.shell_falg=False def start(self): # 此处判断是文件还是目录 # 文件判断后缀 html,js,css,htm,xml等 if len(config.web_file_suffix) <=0: scanner_file_suffix = ["html","js","html","xml"] scanner_file_suffix = config.web_file_suffix if os.path.isdir(self.path): # 目录的话就提取 self.__get_scanner_file__(self.path,scanner_file_suffix) else: if not (self.path.split(".")[1] in scanner_file_suffix): # 内容包含进行下步处理 err_info = ("Retrieval of this file type is not supported. Select a file or directory with a suffix of %s" % ",".join(scanner_file_suffix)) raise Exception(err_info) self.file_queue.put(self.path) self.__start_threads() for thread in self.thread_list: thread.join() self.__print__() def __get_scanner_file__(self,scanner_dir,file_suffix): dir_or_files = os.listdir(scanner_dir) for dir_file in dir_or_files: dir_file_path = os.path.join(scanner_dir,dir_file) if os.path.isdir(dir_file_path): self.__get_scanner_file__(dir_file_path,file_suffix) else: if len(dir_file.split("."))>1: if dir_file.split(".")[1] in file_suffix: self.file_queue.put(dir_file_path) def __print__(self): print("=========The result set for the static scan is shown below:===============") with open(cores.result_path,"a+") as f: for key,value in self.result_dict.items(): f.write(key+"\r") for result in value: print(result) f.write("\t"+result+"\r") print("For more information about the search, see: %s" %(cores.result_path)) def __start_threads(self): for threadID in range(1,self.threads) : name = "Thread - " + str(threadID) thread = ParsesThreads(threadID,name,self.file_queue,self.all,self.result_dict) thread.start() self.thread_list.append(thread)