Missing docs about exposure, zoom and location

Mattia Iavarone 6 years ago
parent 10790dfe2e
commit 90886012ec
  1. 80
  2. 40

@ -137,3 +137,83 @@ Use 0 or a negative value to fallback to the encoder default. Defaults to 0.
### Manual Focus
There are many ways to focus a CameraView engine:
- Continuous autofocus is activated by default, where present
- User can start focus with a [Gesture](gestures.html)
- The developer can start focus with the `startAutoFocus(float, float)` API. This action needs
the coordinates of a point to focus, with respect to the view width and height.
The last two actions will trigger the focus callbacks:
cameraView.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() {
public void onFocusStart(@NonNull PointF point) {
// Auto focus was started by a gesture or by startAutoFocus(float, float).
// The camera is currently trying to focus around that area.
// This can be used to draw things on screen.
public void onFocusEnd(boolean successful, @NonNull PointF point) {
// Auto focus operation just ended. If successful, the camera will have converged
// to a new focus point, and possibly changed exposure and white balance as well.
// The point is the same that was passed to onFocusStart.
Auto focus is not guaranteed to be supported: check the `CameraOptions` to be sure.
### Zoom
There are two ways to control the zoom value:
- User can zoom in or out with a [Gesture](gestures.html)
- The developer can start manual zoom with the `setZoom(float)` API, passing in a value between 0 and 1.
Both actions will trigger the zoom callback, which can be used, for example, to draw a seek bar:
cameraView.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() {
public void onZoomChanged(float newValue, @NonNull float[] bounds, @Nullable PointF[] fingers) {
// newValue: the new zoom value
// bounds: this is always [0, 1]
// fingers: if caused by touch gestures, these is the fingers position
Zoom is not guaranteed to be supported: check the `CameraOptions` to be sure.
### Exposure correction
There are two ways to control the exposure correction value:
- User can change the exposure correction with a [Gesture](gestures.html)
- The developer can change this value with the `setExposureCorrection(float)` API, passing in the EV
value, in camera stops. This value should be contained in the minimum and maximum supported values,
as returned by `CameraOptions`.
Both actions will trigger the exposure correction callback, which can be used, for example, to draw a seek bar:
cameraView.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() {
public void onExposureCorrectionChanged(float newValue, @NonNull float[] bounds, @Nullable PointF[] fingers) {
// newValue: the new correction value
// bounds: min and max bounds for newValue, as returned by {@link CameraOptions}
// fingers: finger positions that caused the event, null if not caused by touch
EV correction is not guaranteed to be supported: check the `CameraOptions` to be sure.

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ date: 2018-12-20 20:41:20
#### cameraPlaySounds
##### cameraPlaySounds
Controls whether we should play platform-provided sounds during certain events
(shutter click, focus completed). Please note that:
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ cameraView.setPlaySounds(true);
#### cameraGrid
##### cameraGrid
Lets you draw grids over the camera preview. Supported values are `off`, `draw3x3` and `draw4x4`
for regular grids, and `drawPhi` for a grid based on the golden ratio constant, often used in photography.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ cameraView.setGrid(Grid.DRAW_4X4);
#### cameraGridColor
##### cameraGridColor
Lets you choose the color for grid lines.
Defaults to a shade of grey.
@ -54,24 +54,40 @@ cameraView.setGridColor(Color.WHITE);
### Undocumented features
### UI Orientation
Some features and APIs were not documented in this document, including:
Within a Camera app, it's common to rotate buttons and other UI elements as the device is tilted around.
We offer a handy callback giving you the right rotation that should be applied to UI elements for them
to be consistent with what the user is seeing:
- `CameraUtils` utilities
- `CameraOptions` options
- `CameraView.setLocation` APIs
cameraView.addCameraListener(new CameraListener() {
public void onOrientationChanged(int orientation) {
// orientation is the counter-clockwise rotation that a View should have
// based on current device tilting and native activity orientation.
For informations, please take a look at the javadocs or the source code.
### Location APIs
You can plug in location tags into picture EXIF (for JPEGs) and video metadata by simply using `setLocation`.
The location can be obtained from any location provider after getting appropriate permissions.
This is not guaranteed to be appended into snapshots.
|`setZoom(float)`, `getZoom()`|Sets a zoom value, where 0 means camera zoomed out and 1 means zoomed in. No-op if zoom is not supported, or camera not started.|
|`setExposureCorrection(float)`, `getExposureCorrection()`|Sets exposure compensation EV value, in camera stops. No-op if this is not supported. Should be between the bounds returned by CameraOptions.|
|`setLocation(Location)`|Sets location data to be appended to picture/video metadata.|
|`setLocation(double, double)`|Sets latitude and longitude to be appended to picture/video metadata.|
|`getLocation()`|Retrieves location data previously applied with setLocation().|
|`startAutoFocus(float, float)`|Starts an autofocus process at the given coordinates, with respect to the view dimensions.|
### Undocumented features
Some features and APIs were not documented in this document, including:
- `CameraUtils` utilities
- `CameraOptions` options
For informations, please take a look at the javadocs or the source code.
