# Glide: https://github.com/bumptech/glide/blob/gh-pages/_config.yml # Source repo: https://github.com/bruth/jekyll-docs-template # Source site: http://bruth.github.io/jekyll-docs-template/ # Ref guide: https://visualstudiomagazine.com/Articles/2015/03/01/GitHub-Pages.aspx?Page=2 # Used by us title: CameraView color: '#f8f8f8' description: A well documented, high-level Android interface that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing all of the common issues and needs. # used by ourselves and by seo tag. disqus_shortname: 'cameraview' google_analytics_id: 'UA-155077779-1' google_site_verification: '4x49i17ABIrSvUl52SeL0-t0341aTnWWaC62-FYCRT4' github: [metadata] # TODO What's this? github_repo: CameraView github_version: 2.7.2 github_branch: main baseurl: '/CameraView' # Keep as an empty string if served up at the root collections: about: name: Overview output: true docs: name: Documentation output: true extra: name: More output: true screenshots: - 'screen1.png' - 'screen2.png' - 'screen3.png' # Jekyll specific stuff author: name: Mattia Iavarone # Should appear in . email: mat.iavarone@gmail.com github: natario1 website: https://natario.dev plugins: - jekyll-seo-tag # Add SEO tags permalink: /:categories/:title # Ensure permalinks have no date nor extension exclude: ['script', 'README.md'] # Exclude non-site files highlighter: rouge # Syntax highlighting markdown: kramdown # Use the kramdown Markdown renderer kramdown: input: GFM # Use Github Flavored Markdown