From db88223c62359250d91dccdd36c23b62e5c34744 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xufulong <>
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2021 23:54:52 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] update ffmpeg command line
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doc/ | 310 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
2 files changed, 156 insertions(+), 156 deletions(-)
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index 17b404a..08a7e8c 100644
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-- ### [查看FFmpeg常用命令行](
+### [查看FFmpeg常用命令行](
#### 音频剪切
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 11056f8..1499328 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,212 +1,212 @@
-详情可查阅FFmpeg官方文档:ffmpeg Documentation。
+# 前言
+详情可查阅FFmpeg官方文档:[ffmpeg Documentation](
# 一、ffmpeg命令行
## 1、命令行参数介绍
-Print help / information / capabilities:
---help topic show help
--version show version
--formats show available formats
--muxers show available muxers
--demuxers show available demuxers
--devices show available devices
--codecs show available codecs
--decoders show available decoders
--encoders show available encoders
--bsfs show available bit stream filters
--protocols show available protocols
--filters show available filters
--pix_fmts show available pixel formats
--sample_fmts show available audio sample formats
--hwaccels show available HW acceleration methods
-Global options (affect whole program instead of just one file:
--v loglevel set logging level
--y overwrite output files
--n never overwrite output files
--filter_threads number of non-complex filter threads
--stats print progress report during encoding
--vol volume change audio volume (256=normal)
-Per-file main options:
--f fmt force format
--c codec codec name
--codec codec codec name
--t duration record or transcode "duration" seconds of audio/video
--to time_stop record or transcode stop time
--fs limit_size set the limit file size in bytes
--ss time_off set the start time offset
--sseof time_off set the start time offset relative to EOF
--frames number set the number of frames to output
--filter filter_graph set stream filtergraph
--discard discard
--disposition disposition
-Video options:
--vframes number set the number of video frames to output
--r rate set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)
--s size set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)
--aspect aspect set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777)
--bits_per_raw_sample number set the number of bits per raw sample
--vn disable video
--vcodec codec force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)
--timecode hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff set initial TimeCode value.
--vf filter_graph set video filters
--ab bitrate audio bitrate (please use -b:a)
--b bitrate video bitrate (please use -b:v)
-Audio options:
--aframes number set the number of audio frames to output
--aq quality set audio quality (codec-specific)
--ar rate set audio sampling rate (in Hz)
--ac channels set number of audio channels
--an disable audio
--acodec codec force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)
--vol volume change audio volume (256=normal)
--af filter_graph set audio filters
-Subtitle options:
--s size set frame size
--sn disable subtitle
--scodec codec force subtitle codec ('copy' to copy stream)
+Print help / information / capabilities:
+--help topic show help
+-version show version
+-formats show available formats
+-muxers show available muxers
+-demuxers show available demuxers
+-devices show available devices
+-codecs show available codecs
+-decoders show available decoders
+-encoders show available encoders
+-bsfs show available bit stream filters
+-protocols show available protocols
+-filters show available filters
+-pix_fmts show available pixel formats
+-sample_fmts show available audio sample formats
+-hwaccels show available HW acceleration methods
+Global options (affect whole program instead of just one file:
+-v loglevel set logging level
+-y overwrite output files
+-n never overwrite output files
+-filter_threads number of non-complex filter threads
+-stats print progress report during encoding
+-vol volume change audio volume (256=normal)
+Per-file main options:
+-f fmt force format
+-c codec codec name
+-codec codec codec name
+-t duration record or transcode "duration" seconds of audio/video
+-to time_stop record or transcode stop time
+-fs limit_size set the limit file size in bytes
+-ss time_off set the start time offset
+-sseof time_off set the start time offset relative to EOF
+-frames number set the number of frames to output
+-filter filter_graph set stream filtergraph
+-discard discard
+-disposition disposition
+Video options:
+-vframes number set the number of video frames to output
+-r rate set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation)
+-s size set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)
+-aspect aspect set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777)
+-bits_per_raw_sample number set the number of bits per raw sample
+-vn disable video
+-vcodec codec force video codec ('copy' to copy stream)
+-timecode hh:mm:ss[:;.]ff set initial TimeCode value.
+-vf filter_graph set video filters
+-ab bitrate audio bitrate (please use -b:a)
+-b bitrate video bitrate (please use -b:v)
+Audio options:
+-aframes number set the number of audio frames to output
+-aq quality set audio quality (codec-specific)
+-ar rate set audio sampling rate (in Hz)
+-ac channels set number of audio channels
+-an disable audio
+-acodec codec force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream)
+-vol volume change audio volume (256=normal)
+-af filter_graph set audio filters
+Subtitle options:
+-s size set frame size
+-sn disable subtitle
+-scodec codec force subtitle codec ('copy' to copy stream)
## 2、音频常见操作
### 2.1 音频转码
-ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.m4a
-ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 44100 output.m4a
+ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.m4a
+ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -acodec aac -ac 2 -ar 44100 output.m4a
### 2.2 音频剪切
--ss 10指定从第10秒开始,-t 20代表剪切20秒
-ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -ss 10 -t 20 cut.mp3
+-ss 10指定从第10秒开始,-t 20代表剪切20秒
+ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -ss 10 -t 20 cut.mp3
### 2.3 音频拼接
-ffmpeg -i concat:"hello.mp3|world.mp3" -acodec copy -vn concat.mp3
+ffmpeg -i concat:"hello.mp3|world.mp3" -acodec copy -vn concat.mp3
### 2.4 音频混音
-ffmpeg -i hello.mp3 -i world.mp3 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration=first -vn mix.mp3
-ffmpeg -i hello.mp3 -i world.mp3 -filter_complex [0:a][1:a]amerge=inputs=2[aout] -map [aout] merge.mp3
+ffmpeg -i hello.mp3 -i world.mp3 -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:duration=first -vn mix.mp3
+ffmpeg -i hello.mp3 -i world.mp3 -filter_complex [0:a][1:a]amerge=inputs=2[aout] -map [aout] merge.mp3
### 2.5 空灵音效
-aecho接收4个参数:in_gain (0, 1];out_gain (0, 1];delays (0 - 90000];decays (0 - 1.0]
-ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af aecho=0.8:0.8:1000:0.5 echo.mp3
+aecho接收4个参数:in_gain (0, 1];out_gain (0, 1];delays (0 - 90000];decays (0 - 1.0]
+ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af aecho=0.8:0.8:1000:0.5 echo.mp3
### 2.6 惊悚音效
-tremolo接收2个参数:frequency [0.1, 20000.0];depth (0, 1]
-ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af tremolo=5:0.9 tremolo.mp3
+tremolo接收2个参数:frequency [0.1, 20000.0];depth (0, 1]
+ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af tremolo=5:0.9 tremolo.mp3
### 2.7 搞笑音效
-ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -filter_complex atempo=0.5 atempo.mp3
+ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -filter_complex atempo=0.5 atempo.mp3
### 2.8 静音检测
-ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af silencedetect=noise=0.0001 -f null -
+ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af silencedetect=noise=0.0001 -f null -
### 2.9 修改音量
-ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af volume=0.5 volume.mp3
+ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af volume=0.5 volume.mp3
### 2.10 抽取音频
-ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -acodec copy -vn out.mp3
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -acodec copy -vn out.mp3
## 3、视频常见操作
### 3.1 视频剪切
-ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 10 -t 20 -codec copy cut.mp4
-精确剪切,包含多音轨,-map 0代表所有track流进行剪切,-accurate_seek代表精确seek:
-ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 10 -accurate_seek -t 20 -map 0 -codec copy cut.mp4
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 10 -t 20 -codec copy cut.mp4
+精确剪切,包含多音轨,-map 0代表所有track流进行剪切,-accurate_seek代表精确seek:
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 10 -accurate_seek -t 20 -map 0 -codec copy cut.mp4
### 3.2 视频转码
-使用-vcodec指定视频编码,-acodec指定音频编码,-s 640x480指定视频分辨率,
--b 200k指定码率,-r 20指定帧率,这样达到视频压缩效果:
-ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -s 640x480 -b 200k -r 20 transcode.mp4
+使用-vcodec指定视频编码,-acodec指定音频编码,-s 640x480指定视频分辨率,
+-b 200k指定码率,-r 20指定帧率,这样达到视频压缩效果:
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -s 640x480 -b 200k -r 20 transcode.mp4
### 3.3 视频截图
-ffmpeg -ss 10 -i input.mp4 -f image2 -vframes 1 -an screenshot.jpg
+ffmpeg -ss 10 -i input.mp4 -f image2 -vframes 1 -an screenshot.jpg
### 3.4 图片水印
-ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i logo.png -filter_complex overlay=10:20 pic_watermark.mp4
-public static String obtainOverlay(int offsetX, int offsetY, int location) {
- switch (location) {
- case 2:
- return "overlay='(main_w-overlay_w)-" + offsetX + ":" + offsetY + "'";
- case 3:
- return "overlay='" + offsetX + ":(main_h-overlay_h)-" + offsetY + "'";
- case 4:
- return "overlay='(main_w-overlay_w)-" + offsetX + ":(main_h-overlay_h)-" + offsetY + "'";
- case 1:
- default:
- return "overlay=" + offsetX + ":" + offsetY;
- }
-public static String[] addWaterMarkImg(String inputPath, String imgPath, int location,
- int offsetXY, String outputPath) {
- String overlay = obtainOverlay(offsetXY, offsetXY, location);
- String waterMarkCmd = "ffmpeg -i %s -i %s -filter_complex %s -preset:v superfast %s";
- waterMarkCmd = String.format(waterMarkCmd, inputPath, imgPath, overlay, outputPath);
- return waterMarkCmd.split(" ");
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i logo.png -filter_complex overlay=10:20 pic_watermark.mp4
+public static String obtainOverlay(int offsetX, int offsetY, int location) {
+ switch (location) {
+ case 2:
+ return "overlay='(main_w-overlay_w)-" + offsetX + ":" + offsetY + "'";
+ case 3:
+ return "overlay='" + offsetX + ":(main_h-overlay_h)-" + offsetY + "'";
+ case 4:
+ return "overlay='(main_w-overlay_w)-" + offsetX + ":(main_h-overlay_h)-" + offsetY + "'";
+ case 1:
+ default:
+ return "overlay=" + offsetX + ":" + offsetY;
+ }
+public static String[] addWaterMarkImg(String inputPath, String imgPath, int location,
+ int offsetXY, String outputPath) {
+ String overlay = obtainOverlay(offsetXY, offsetXY, location);
+ String waterMarkCmd = "ffmpeg -i %s -i %s -filter_complex %s -preset:v superfast %s";
+ waterMarkCmd = String.format(waterMarkCmd, inputPath, imgPath, overlay, outputPath);
+ return waterMarkCmd.split(" ");
### 3.5 GIF水印
-使用-ignore_loop 0代表GIF循环显示,其他操作与图片水印一致:
-ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ignore_loop 0 -i logo.gif -filter_complex overlay=10:20 gif_mark.mp4
+使用-ignore_loop 0代表GIF循环显示,其他操作与图片水印一致:
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ignore_loop 0 -i logo.gif -filter_complex overlay=10:20 gif_mark.mp4
### 3.6 去除水印
-ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex delogo=x=10:y=20:w=90:h=30 delogo.mp4
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex delogo=x=10:y=20:w=90:h=30 delogo.mp4
### 3.7 视频拼接
-ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -i input2.mp4 -filter_complex hstack out.mp4
+ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -i input2.mp4 -filter_complex hstack out.mp4
### 3.8 视频翻转
-ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf reverse -an output.mp4
+ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf reverse -an output.mp4
### 3.9 视频降噪
-使用-nr代表noise reduction,进行视频降噪:
-ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -nr 500 out.mp4
+使用-nr代表noise reduction,进行视频降噪:
+ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -nr 500 out.mp4
### 3.10 视频抽帧
-ffmpeg -ss 20 -accurate_seek -t 10 -i input.mp4 -an -r 5 %3d.jpg
+ffmpeg -ss 20 -accurate_seek -t 10 -i input.mp4 -an -r 5 %3d.jpg
### 3.11 播放速度
-ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter_complex [0:v]setpts=%.2f*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=%.2f[a] -map [v] -map [a] out.mp4
+ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -filter_complex [0:v]setpts=%.2f*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=%.2f[a] -map [v] -map [a] out.mp4
### 3.12 插入封面
-其中-disposition:v:1 attached_pic代表封面:
-ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -i photo.png -map 0 -map 1 -c copy -c:v:1 png -disposition:v:1 attached_pic out.mp4
+其中-disposition:v:1 attached_pic代表封面:
+ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -i photo.png -map 0 -map 1 -c copy -c:v:1 png -disposition:v:1 attached_pic out.mp4
### 3.13 旋转视频
-ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 out.mp4
+ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 out.mp4
# 二、ffplay命令行
-ffplay -i beyond.mp4
+ffplay -i beyond.mp4
# 三、ffprobe命令行
-支持显示形式包括:json和xml,例如-print_format json
-ffprobe -i input.mp4 -show_streams -show_format -print_format json
+支持显示形式包括:json和xml,例如-print_format json
+ffprobe -i input.mp4 -show_streams -show_format -print_format json
-ffprobe -i input.mp4 -show_frames
+ffprobe -i input.mp4 -show_frames
-如果只要显示视频流,使用-select_streams v。其中v代表video,a代表audio,s代表subtitle。
-ffprobe -i input.mp4 -show_frames -select_streams v
\ No newline at end of file
+如果只要显示视频流,使用-select_streams v。其中v代表video,a代表audio,s代表subtitle。
+ffprobe -i input.mp4 -show_frames -select_streams v
\ No newline at end of file