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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# project: 4月
# author: liuyu
# date: 2020/4/7
from django.core.cache import cache
from api.models import Apps,UserInfo
import time
from fir_ser.settings import CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE
from import Storage,LocalStorage
from api.utils.crontab import run
def get_download_url_by_cache(app_obj, filename, limit, isdownload=False):
now = time.time()
download_val = cache.get("%s_%s" % ('download_url', filename))
if download_val:
if download_val.get("time") > now - 60:
return download_val.get("download_url")
if isdownload:
local_storage = LocalStorage('localhost', False)
return local_storage.get_download_url(filename, limit, 'plist')
user_obj = UserInfo.objects.filter(pk=app_obj.get("user_id")).first()
storage = Storage(user_obj)
return storage.get_download_url(filename, limit)
def get_app_instance_by_cache(app_id, limit):
app_obj_cache = cache.get("%s_%s" % ('app_instance', app_id))
if not app_obj_cache:
app_obj_cache = Apps.objects.filter(app_id=app_id).values("pk", 'user_id', 'type').first()
cache.set("%s_%s" % ('app_instance', app_id), app_obj_cache, limit)
return app_obj_cache
def get_app_download_by_cache(app_id):
down_tem_key = CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE.get("download_times_key")
key = "%s%s" %(down_tem_key,app_id)
download_times = cache.get(key)
if not download_times:
cache.set(key, download_times + 1, 900)
return download_times + 1