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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# project: 3月
# author: liuyu
# date: 2020/3/22
# pip install aliyun-python-sdk-sts oss2
import json
import os
from aliyunsdkcore import client
from aliyunsdksts.request.v20150401 import AssumeRoleRequest
import oss2
import re
import hashlib
import time
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
# 以下代码展示了STS的用法,包括角色扮演获取临时用户的密钥、使用临时用户的密钥访问OSS。
# STS入门教程请参看
# STS的官方文档请参看
# 首先初始化AccessKeyId、AccessKeySecret、Endpoint等信息。
# 通过环境变量获取,或者把诸如“<你的AccessKeyId>”替换成真实的AccessKeyId等。
# 注意:AccessKeyId、AccessKeySecret为子用户的密钥。
# 子用户需要有 调用STS服务AssumeRole接口的权限
# 创建ram用户,授权 管理对象存储服务(OSS)权限
# RoleArn可以在控制台的“访问控制 > RAM角色管理 > 创建的ram用户 > 基本信息 > Arn”上查看。
# 以杭州区域为例,Endpoint可以是:
# 分别以HTTP、HTTPS协议访问。
def md5sum(src):
m = hashlib.md5()
return m.hexdigest()
class AliYunCdn(object):
def __init__(self, key, is_https, domain_name):
uri = 'http://'
if is_https:
uri = 'https://'
self.domain = uri + domain_name
self.key = key
# 鉴权方式A
def a_auth(self, uri, exp):
p = re.compile("^(http://|https://)?([^/?]+)(/[^?]*)?(\\?.*)?$")
if not p:
return None
m = p.match(uri)
scheme, host, path, args = m.groups()
if not scheme: scheme = "http://"
if not path: path = "/"
if not args: args = ""
rand = "0" # "0" by default, other value is ok
uid = "0" # "0" by default, other value is ok
sstring = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s" % (path, exp, rand, uid, self.key)
hashvalue = md5sum(sstring.encode("utf-8"))
auth_key = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (exp, rand, uid, hashvalue)
if args:
return "%s%s%s%s&auth_key=%s" % (scheme, host, path, args, auth_key)
return "%s%s%s%s?auth_key=%s" % (scheme, host, path, args, auth_key)
def get_cdn_download_token(self, filename, expires=1800):
uri = "%s/%s" % (self.domain, filename)
exp = int(time.time()) + expires
download_url = self.a_auth(uri, exp)"make cdn download url %s" % download_url)
return download_url
class StsToken(object):
:param str access_key_id: 临时用户的access key id
:param str access_key_secret: 临时用户的access key secret
:param int expiration: 过期时间,UNIX时间,自1970年1月1日UTC零点的秒数
:param str security_token: 临时用户Token
:param str request_id: 请求ID
def __init__(self):
self.access_key_id = ''
self.access_key_secret = ''
self.expiration = 3600
self.security_token = ''
self.request_id = ''
self.bucket = ''
self.endpoint = ''
class AliYunOss(object):
def __init__(self, access_key, secret_key, bucket_name, endpoint, sts_role_arn, is_https, domain_name=None,
download_auth_type=1, cnd_auth_key=None):
self.access_key_id = access_key
self.access_key_secret = secret_key
self.bucket_name = bucket_name
self.endpoint = endpoint
self.sts_role_arn = sts_role_arn
self.region_id = '-'.join(self.endpoint.split('.')[0].split("-")[1:3])
self.is_https = is_https
self.download_auth_type = download_auth_type
self.cnd_auth_key = cnd_auth_key
self.domain_name = domain_name
self.bucket_get = None
self.bucket = None
self.make_auth_bucket('init_get', 900, True)
self.make_auth_bucket('init_auth', 900)
def fetch_sts_token(self, name, expires, only_put=False, only_get=False):
:param only_put: 是否只允许下载
:param only_get: 是否只允许上传
:param expires: 过期时间
:param name: obj name
:return StsToken: 临时用户密钥
clt = client.AcsClient(self.access_key_id, self.access_key_secret, self.region_id)
req = AssumeRoleRequest.AssumeRoleRequest()
if only_put:
p_action = ["oss:PutObject", "oss:AbortMultipartUpload"]
if only_get:
p_action = "oss:GetObject"
name = '*'
if only_get or only_put:
policy = {
"Statement": [
"Action": p_action,
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": ["acs:oss:*:*:%s/%s" % (self.bucket_name, name), ]
"Version": "1"
body = clt.do_action_with_exception(req)
j = json.loads(oss2.to_unicode(body))
token = StsToken()
token.access_key_id = j['Credentials']['AccessKeyId']
token.access_key_secret = j['Credentials']['AccessKeySecret']
token.security_token = j['Credentials']['SecurityToken']
token.request_id = j['RequestId']
token.expiration = oss2.utils.to_unixtime(j['Credentials']['Expiration'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
token.bucket = self.bucket_name
token.endpoint = self.endpoint.replace('-internal', '')"get aliyun sts token %s" % token.__dict__)
return token
def get_upload_token(self, name, expires=1800):
return self.fetch_sts_token(name, expires, only_put=True).__dict__
def make_auth_bucket(self, name, expires, only_get=False):
uri = 'http://'
if self.is_https:
uri = 'https://'
url = self.endpoint
is_cname = False
if self.domain_name and self.download_auth_type == 1:
url = self.domain_name
is_cname = True
token = self.fetch_sts_token(name, expires, only_get=only_get)
auth = oss2.StsAuth(token.access_key_id, token.access_key_secret, token.security_token)
if only_get:
self.bucket_get = oss2.Bucket(auth, uri + url, self.bucket_name, is_cname=is_cname)
self.bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, uri + url, self.bucket_name, is_cname=is_cname)
def get_download_url(self, name, expires=1800, force_new=False):
private_url = self.bucket_get.sign_url('GET', name, expires)
return private_url
def del_file(self, name):
# self.fetch_sts_token(name,expires=300)
# auth = oss2.StsAuth(self.token.access_key_id, self.token.access_key_secret, self.token.security_token)
# bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, self.endpoint,self.bucket_name)
return self.bucket.delete_object(name)
def rename_file(self, oldfilename, newfilename):
self.bucket.copy_object(self.bucket_name, oldfilename, newfilename)
return self.del_file(oldfilename)
def upload_file(self, local_file_full_path):
if os.path.isfile(local_file_full_path):
filename = os.path.basename(local_file_full_path)
headers = {
'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename
self.bucket.put_object_from_file(filename, local_file_full_path, headers)
# with open(local_file_full_path, 'rb') as fileobj:
# # Seek方法用于指定从第1000个字节位置开始读写。上传时会从您指定的第1000个字节位置开始上传,直到文件结束。
#, os.SEEK_SET)
# # Tell方法用于返回当前位置。
# # current = fileobj.tell()
# self.bucket.put_object(os.path.basename(local_file_full_path), fileobj)
return True
logger.error("file %s is not file" % local_file_full_path)
def download_file(self, name, local_file_full_path):
dir_path = os.path.dirname(local_file_full_path)
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
return self.bucket.get_object_to_file(name, local_file_full_path)