You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"""fir_ser URL Configuration
The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see:
Function views
1. Add an import: from my_app import views
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', views.home, name='home')
Class-based views
1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', Home.as_view(), name='home')
Including another URLconf
1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path
2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('blog/', include('blog.urls'))
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, re_path, include
from api.views.login import LoginView, UserInfoView
from api.views.logout import LogoutView
from api.views.apps import AppsView, AppInfoView, AppReleaseinfoView
from import ShortDownloadView
from api.views.uploads import AppAnalyseView, UploadView
from import StorageView
from api.views.receiveudids import IosUDIDView
from api.views.supersign import DeveloperView, SuperSignUsedView, AppUDIDUsedView
# router=DefaultRouter()
# router.register("apps", AppsView)
urlpatterns = [
# path("",include(router.urls)),
re_path("^login", LoginView.as_view()),
re_path("^logout", LogoutView.as_view()),
re_path("^apps$", AppsView.as_view()),
re_path("^storage$", StorageView.as_view()),
re_path("^apps/(?P<app_id>\w+)", AppInfoView.as_view()),
re_path("^appinfos/(?P<app_id>\w+)/(?P<act>\w+)", AppReleaseinfoView.as_view()),
re_path("^upload$", UploadView.as_view()),
re_path("^userinfo", UserInfoView.as_view()),
re_path("^short/(?P<short>\w+)$", ShortDownloadView.as_view()),
re_path("^udid/(?P<short>\w+)$", IosUDIDView.as_view()),
re_path("^analyse$", AppAnalyseView.as_view()),
re_path("^supersign/developer$", DeveloperView.as_view()),
re_path("^supersign/devices$", SuperSignUsedView.as_view()),
re_path("^supersign/udid$", AppUDIDUsedView.as_view()),