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from django.core.cache import cache
from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication
from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed
from api.models import Token, UserInfo
from fir_ser.settings import CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE
import base64
class ExpiringTokenAuthentication(BaseAuthentication):
def authenticate(self, request):
if request.method == "OPTIONS":
return None
request_token = request.META.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", request.query_params.get("token", None))
format_token = base64.b64decode(request_token).decode()
auth_token = format_token.split(":")[0]
user_name = format_token.split(":")[1]
except Exception:
raise AuthenticationFailed({"code": 1001, "error": "token不合法"})
if not auth_token:
raise AuthenticationFailed({"code": 1001, "error": "缺少token"})
auth_key = "_".join([CACHE_KEY_TEMPLATE.get('user_auth_token_key'), auth_token])
cacheuserinfo = cache.get(auth_key)
if not cacheuserinfo:
raise AuthenticationFailed({"code": 1001, "error": "无效的token"})
if user_name != cacheuserinfo.get('username', None):
raise AuthenticationFailed({"code": 1001, "error": "token校验失败"})
user_obj = UserInfo.objects.filter(uid=cacheuserinfo.get('uid', None),
# token_obj = Token.objects.filter(access_token=auth_token).first()
if not user_obj:
raise AuthenticationFailed({"code": 1001, "error": "无效的token"})
if user_obj.is_active:
cache.set(auth_key, cacheuserinfo, 3600 * 24 * 7)
return user_obj, auth_token
raise AuthenticationFailed({"code": 1001, "error": "用户被禁用"})