diff --git a/app/src/main/java/io/legado/app/ui/book/read/page/delegate/TestDelegate.kt b/app/src/main/java/io/legado/app/ui/book/read/page/delegate/TestDelegate.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..771be510c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/java/io/legado/app/ui/book/read/page/delegate/TestDelegate.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+package io.legado.app.ui.book.read.page.delegate
+import android.graphics.*
+import android.graphics.drawable.GradientDrawable
+import android.os.Trace
+import android.view.MotionEvent
+import io.legado.app.ui.book.read.page.PageView
+import io.legado.app.utils.screenshot
+import kotlin.math.hypot
+class TestDelegate(pageView: PageView) : HorizontalPageDelegate(pageView) {
+ private var pointPaint //绘制各标识点的画笔
+ : Paint? = null
+ private var bgPaint //背景画笔
+ : Paint? = null
+ private var pathAPaint //绘制A区域画笔
+ : Paint? = null
+ private var pathBPaint //绘制B区域画笔
+ : Paint? = null
+ private var pathCPaint //绘制C区域画笔
+ : Paint? = null
+ private var textPaint //绘制文字画笔
+ : Paint? = null
+ private var pathCContentPaint //绘制C区域内容画笔
+ : Paint? = null
+ private var a: MyPoint? = null
+ private var f: MyPoint? = null
+ private var g: MyPoint? = null
+ private var e: MyPoint? = null
+ private var h: MyPoint? = null
+ private var c: MyPoint? = null
+ private var j: MyPoint? = null
+ private var b: MyPoint? = null
+ private var k: MyPoint? = null
+ private var d: MyPoint? = null
+ private var i: MyPoint? = null
+ private var pathA: Path? = null
+ private var pathB: Path? = null
+ private var pathC: Path? = null
+ private var defaultWidth = 0 //默认宽度 = 0
+ private var defaultHeight = 0 //默认高度 = 0
+ var lPathAShadowDis = 0f //A区域左阴影矩形短边长度参考值
+ var rPathAShadowDis = 0f //A区域右阴影矩形短边长度参考值
+ private val mMatrixArray = floatArrayOf(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, 1.0f)
+ private var mMatrix: Matrix? = null
+ private var style: String? = null
+ private var drawableLeftTopRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private var drawableLeftLowerRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private var drawableRightTopRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private var drawableRightLowerRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private var drawableHorizontalLowerRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private var drawableBTopRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private var drawableBLowerRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private var drawableCTopRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private var drawableCLowerRight: GradientDrawable? = null
+ private val pathAContentBitmap
+ get() = pageView.prevPage?.screenshot()
+ private val pathBContentBitmap //B区域内容Bitmap
+ get() = pageView.curPage?.screenshot()
+ private val pathCContentBitmap //C区域内容Bitmap
+ get() = pageView.nextPage?.screenshot()
+ init {
+ defaultWidth = 600
+ defaultHeight = 1000
+ a = MyPoint()
+ f = MyPoint()
+ g = MyPoint()
+ e = MyPoint()
+ h = MyPoint()
+ c = MyPoint()
+ j = MyPoint()
+ b = MyPoint()
+ k = MyPoint()
+ d = MyPoint()
+ i = MyPoint()
+ pointPaint = Paint()
+ pointPaint!!.color = Color.RED
+ pointPaint!!.textSize = 25f
+ pointPaint!!.style = Paint.Style.STROKE
+ bgPaint = Paint()
+ bgPaint!!.color = Color.GREEN
+ pathAPaint = Paint()
+ pathAPaint!!.color = Color.GREEN
+ pathAPaint!!.isAntiAlias = true //设置抗锯齿
+ pathBPaint = Paint()
+ pathBPaint!!.color = Color.GREEN
+ pathBPaint!!.isAntiAlias = true //设置抗锯齿
+ // pathBPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_ATOP));我们不需要单独绘制path了,记得注释掉
+ pathCPaint = Paint()
+ pathCPaint!!.color = Color.YELLOW
+ pathCPaint!!.isAntiAlias = true //设置抗锯齿
+ // pathCPaint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.DST_ATOP));
+// pathCPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
+ pathCContentPaint = Paint()
+ pathCContentPaint!!.color = Color.YELLOW
+ pathCContentPaint!!.isAntiAlias = true //设置抗锯齿
+ textPaint = Paint()
+ textPaint!!.color = Color.BLACK
+ textPaint!!.textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER
+ textPaint!!.isSubpixelText = true //设置自像素。如果该项为true,将有助于文本在LCD屏幕上的显示效果。
+ textPaint!!.textSize = 30f
+ pathA = Path()
+ pathB = Path()
+ pathC = Path()
+ mMatrix = Matrix()
+ createGradientDrawable()
+ }
+ private fun drawPathAContentBitmap(
+ bitmap: Bitmap?,
+ pathPaint: Paint?
+ ) {
+ val mCanvas = Canvas(bitmap!!)
+ //下面开始绘制区域内的内容...
+ mCanvas.drawPath(pathDefault!!, pathPaint!!)
+ mCanvas.drawText(
+ "这是在A区域的内容...AAAA",
+ viewWidth - 260.toFloat(),
+ viewHeight - 100.toFloat(),
+ textPaint!!
+ )
+ //结束绘制区域内的内容...
+ }
+ private fun drawPathBContentBitmap(
+ bitmap: Bitmap?,
+ pathPaint: Paint?
+ ) {
+ val mCanvas = Canvas(bitmap!!)
+ //下面开始绘制区域内的内容...
+ mCanvas.drawPath(pathDefault!!, pathPaint!!)
+ mCanvas.drawText(
+ "这是在B区域的内容...BBBB",
+ viewWidth - 260.toFloat(),
+ viewHeight - 100.toFloat(),
+ textPaint!!
+ )
+ //结束绘制区域内的内容...
+ }
+ override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) {
+ canvas.drawColor(Color.YELLOW)
+ if (a!!.x == -1f && a!!.y == -1f) {
+ drawPathAContent(canvas, pathDefault)
+ } else {
+ if (f!!.x == viewWidth.toFloat() && f!!.y == 0f) {
+ drawPathAContent(canvas, pathAFromTopRight)
+ drawPathCContent(canvas, pathAFromTopRight)
+ drawPathBContent(canvas, pathAFromTopRight)
+ } else if (f!!.x == viewWidth.toFloat() && f!!.y == viewHeight.toFloat()) {
+ beginTrace("drawPathA")
+ drawPathAContent(canvas, pathAFromLowerRight)
+ endTrace()
+ beginTrace("drawPathC")
+ drawPathCContent(canvas, pathAFromLowerRight)
+ endTrace()
+ beginTrace("drawPathB")
+ drawPathBContent(canvas, pathAFromLowerRight)
+ endTrace()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private fun beginTrace(tag: String) {
+ Trace.beginSection(tag)
+ }
+ private fun endTrace() {
+ Trace.endSection()
+ }
+ override fun onScroll() {
+ if (style == STYLE_TOP_RIGHT) {
+ setTouchPoint(touchX, touchY, STYLE_TOP_RIGHT)
+ } else {
+ setTouchPoint(touchX, touchY, STYLE_LOWER_RIGHT)
+ }
+ }
+ override fun onTouch(event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
+ when (event.action) {
+ MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
+ val x: Float = event.x
+ val y: Float = event.y
+ if (x <= viewWidth / 3) { //左
+ style = STYLE_LEFT
+ setTouchPoint(x, y, style)
+ } else if (x > viewWidth / 3 && y <= viewHeight / 3) { //上
+ setTouchPoint(x, y, style)
+ } else if (x > viewWidth * 2 / 3 && y > viewHeight / 3 && y <= viewHeight * 2 / 3) { //右
+ style = STYLE_RIGHT
+ setTouchPoint(x, y, style)
+ } else if (x > viewWidth / 3 && y > viewHeight * 2 / 3) { //下
+ setTouchPoint(x, y, style)
+ } else if (x > viewWidth / 3 && x < viewWidth * 2 / 3 && y > viewHeight / 3 && y < viewHeight * 2 / 3) { //中
+ style = STYLE_MIDDLE
+ }
+ }
+ MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE -> setTouchPoint(event.x, event.y, style)
+ MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> startCancelAnim()
+ }
+ return super.onTouch(event)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 取消翻页动画,计算滑动位置与时间
+ */
+ fun startCancelAnim() {
+ val dx: Int
+ val dy: Int
+ //让a滑动到f点所在位置,留出1像素是为了防止当a和f重叠时出现View闪烁的情况
+ if (style == STYLE_TOP_RIGHT) {
+ dx = (viewWidth - 1 - a!!.x).toInt()
+ dy = (1 - a!!.y).toInt()
+ } else {
+ dx = (viewWidth - 1 - a!!.x).toInt()
+ dy = (viewHeight - 1 - a!!.y).toInt()
+ }
+ }
+ override fun onScrollStart() {
+ val distanceX: Float
+ when (direction) {
+ Direction.NEXT -> distanceX =
+ if (isCancel) {
+ var dis = viewWidth - startX + touchX
+ if (dis > viewWidth) {
+ dis = viewWidth.toFloat()
+ }
+ viewWidth - dis
+ } else {
+ -(touchX + (viewWidth - startX))
+ }
+ else -> distanceX =
+ if (isCancel) {
+ -(touchX - startX)
+ } else {
+ viewWidth - (touchX - startX)
+ }
+ }
+ startScroll(touchX.toInt(), 0, distanceX.toInt(), 0)
+ }
+ override fun onScrollStop() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置触摸点
+ * @param x
+ * @param y
+ * @param style
+ */
+ fun setTouchPoint(x: Float, y: Float, style: String?) {
+ val touchPoint: MyPoint
+ a!!.x = x
+ a!!.y = y
+ this.style = style
+ when (style) {
+ f!!.x = viewWidth.toFloat()
+ f!!.y = 0f
+ calcPointsXY(a, f)
+ touchPoint = MyPoint(x, y)
+ if (calcPointCX(touchPoint, f) < 0) { //如果c点x坐标小于0则重新测量a点坐标
+ calcPointAByTouchPoint()
+ calcPointsXY(a, f)
+ }
+ pageView.postInvalidate()
+ }
+ a!!.y = viewHeight - 1.toFloat()
+ f!!.x = viewWidth.toFloat()
+ f!!.y = viewHeight.toFloat()
+ calcPointsXY(a, f)
+ pageView.postInvalidate()
+ }
+ f!!.x = viewWidth.toFloat()
+ f!!.y = viewHeight.toFloat()
+ calcPointsXY(a, f)
+ touchPoint = MyPoint(x, y)
+ if (calcPointCX(touchPoint, f) < 0) { //如果c点x坐标小于0则重新测量a点坐标
+ calcPointAByTouchPoint()
+ calcPointsXY(a, f)
+ }
+ pageView.postInvalidate()
+ }
+ else -> {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 如果c点x坐标小于0,根据触摸点重新测量a点坐标
+ */
+ private fun calcPointAByTouchPoint() {
+ val w0 = viewWidth - c!!.x
+ val w1 = Math.abs(f!!.x - a!!.x)
+ val w2 = viewWidth * w1 / w0
+ a!!.x = Math.abs(f!!.x - w2)
+ val h1 = Math.abs(f!!.y - a!!.y)
+ val h2 = w2 * h1 / w1
+ a!!.y = Math.abs(f!!.y - h2)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 回到默认状态
+ */
+ fun setDefaultPath() {
+ a!!.x = -1f
+ a!!.y = -1f
+ pageView.postInvalidate()
+ }
+ /**
+ * 初始化各区域阴影GradientDrawable
+ */
+ private fun createGradientDrawable() {
+ var deepColor = 0x33333333
+ var lightColor = 0x01333333
+ var gradientColors = intArrayOf(lightColor, deepColor) //渐变颜色数组
+ drawableLeftTopRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.LEFT_RIGHT, gradientColors)
+ drawableLeftTopRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT
+ drawableLeftLowerRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.RIGHT_LEFT, gradientColors)
+ drawableLeftLowerRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT
+ deepColor = 0x22333333
+ lightColor = 0x01333333
+ gradientColors = intArrayOf(deepColor, lightColor, lightColor)
+ drawableRightTopRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.BOTTOM_TOP, gradientColors)
+ drawableRightTopRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT
+ drawableRightLowerRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, gradientColors)
+ drawableRightLowerRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT
+ deepColor = 0x44333333
+ lightColor = 0x01333333
+ gradientColors = intArrayOf(lightColor, deepColor) //渐变颜色数组
+ drawableHorizontalLowerRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.LEFT_RIGHT, gradientColors)
+ drawableHorizontalLowerRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT
+ deepColor = 0x55111111
+ lightColor = 0x00111111
+ gradientColors = intArrayOf(deepColor, lightColor) //渐变颜色数组
+ drawableBTopRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.LEFT_RIGHT, gradientColors)
+ drawableBTopRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT //线性渐变
+ drawableBLowerRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.RIGHT_LEFT, gradientColors)
+ drawableBLowerRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT
+ deepColor = 0x55333333
+ lightColor = 0x00333333
+ gradientColors = intArrayOf(lightColor, deepColor) //渐变颜色数组
+ drawableCTopRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.LEFT_RIGHT, gradientColors)
+ drawableCTopRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT
+ drawableCLowerRight =
+ GradientDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation.RIGHT_LEFT, gradientColors)
+ drawableCLowerRight!!.gradientType = GradientDrawable.LINEAR_GRADIENT
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制A区域内容
+ * @param canvas
+ * @param pathA
+ */
+ private fun drawPathAContent(
+ canvas: Canvas,
+ pathA: Path?
+ ) {
+ canvas.save()
+ canvas.clipPath(pathA!!, Region.Op.INTERSECT) //对绘制内容进行裁剪,取和A区域的交集
+ canvas.drawBitmap(pathAContentBitmap!!, 0f, 0f, null)
+ if (style == STYLE_LEFT || style == STYLE_RIGHT) {
+ drawPathAHorizontalShadow(canvas, pathA)
+ } else {
+ drawPathALeftShadow(canvas, pathA)
+ drawPathARightShadow(canvas, pathA)
+ }
+ canvas.restore()
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制A区域左阴影
+ * @param canvas
+ */
+ private fun drawPathALeftShadow(
+ canvas: Canvas,
+ pathA: Path?
+ ) {
+ canvas.restore()
+ canvas.save()
+ val left: Int
+ val right: Int
+ val top = e!!.y.toInt()
+ val bottom = (e!!.y + viewHeight).toInt()
+ val gradientDrawable: GradientDrawable?
+ if (style == STYLE_TOP_RIGHT) {
+ gradientDrawable = drawableLeftTopRight
+ left = (e!!.x - lPathAShadowDis / 2).toInt()
+ right = e!!.x.toInt()
+ } else {
+ gradientDrawable = drawableLeftLowerRight
+ left = e!!.x.toInt()
+ right = (e!!.x + lPathAShadowDis / 2).toInt()
+ }
+ val mPath = Path()
+ mPath.moveTo(a!!.x - Math.max(rPathAShadowDis, lPathAShadowDis) / 2, a!!.y)
+ mPath.lineTo(d!!.x, d!!.y)
+ mPath.lineTo(e!!.x, e!!.y)
+ mPath.lineTo(a!!.x, a!!.y)
+ mPath.close()
+ canvas.clipPath(pathA!!)
+ canvas.clipPath(mPath, Region.Op.INTERSECT)
+ val mDegrees = Math.toDegrees(
+ Math.atan2(
+ e!!.x - a!!.x.toDouble(),
+ a!!.y - e!!.y.toDouble()
+ )
+ ).toFloat()
+ canvas.rotate(mDegrees, e!!.x, e!!.y)
+ gradientDrawable!!.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom)
+ gradientDrawable.draw(canvas)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制A区域右阴影
+ * @param canvas
+ */
+ private fun drawPathARightShadow(
+ canvas: Canvas,
+ pathA: Path?
+ ) {
+ canvas.restore()
+ canvas.save()
+ val viewDiagonalLength = Math.hypot(
+ viewWidth.toDouble(),
+ viewHeight.toDouble()
+ ).toFloat() //view对角线长度
+ val left = h!!.x.toInt()
+ val right = (h!!.x + viewDiagonalLength * 10).toInt() //需要足够长的长度
+ val top: Int
+ val bottom: Int
+ val gradientDrawable: GradientDrawable?
+ if (style == STYLE_TOP_RIGHT) {
+ gradientDrawable = drawableRightTopRight
+ top = (h!!.y - rPathAShadowDis / 2).toInt()
+ bottom = h!!.y.toInt()
+ } else {
+ gradientDrawable = drawableRightLowerRight
+ top = h!!.y.toInt()
+ bottom = (h!!.y + rPathAShadowDis / 2).toInt()
+ }
+ gradientDrawable!!.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom)
+ val mPath = Path()
+ mPath.moveTo(a!!.x - Math.max(rPathAShadowDis, lPathAShadowDis) / 2, a!!.y)
+ // mPath.lineTo(i.x,i.y);
+ mPath.lineTo(h!!.x, h!!.y)
+ mPath.lineTo(a!!.x, a!!.y)
+ mPath.close()
+ canvas.clipPath(pathA!!)
+ canvas.clipPath(mPath, Region.Op.INTERSECT)
+ val mDegrees = Math.toDegrees(
+ Math.atan2(
+ a!!.y - h!!.y.toDouble(),
+ a!!.x - h!!.x.toDouble()
+ )
+ ).toFloat()
+ canvas.rotate(mDegrees, h!!.x, h!!.y)
+ gradientDrawable.draw(canvas)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制A区域水平翻页阴影
+ * @param canvas
+ */
+ private fun drawPathAHorizontalShadow(
+ canvas: Canvas,
+ pathA: Path?
+ ) {
+ canvas.restore()
+ canvas.save()
+ canvas.clipPath(pathA!!, Region.Op.INTERSECT)
+ val maxShadowWidth = 30 //阴影矩形最大的宽度
+ val left =
+ (a!!.x - Math.min(maxShadowWidth.toFloat(), rPathAShadowDis / 2)).toInt()
+ val right = a!!.x.toInt()
+ val top = 0
+ val bottom = viewHeight
+ val gradientDrawable = drawableHorizontalLowerRight
+ gradientDrawable!!.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom)
+ val mDegrees = Math.toDegrees(
+ Math.atan2(
+ f!!.x - a!!.x.toDouble(),
+ f!!.y - h!!.y.toDouble()
+ )
+ ).toFloat()
+ canvas.rotate(mDegrees, a!!.x, a!!.y)
+ gradientDrawable.draw(canvas)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制默认的界面
+ * @return
+ */
+ private val pathDefault: Path?
+ private get() {
+ pathA!!.reset()
+ pathA!!.lineTo(0f, viewHeight.toFloat())
+ pathA!!.lineTo(viewWidth.toFloat(), viewHeight.toFloat())
+ pathA!!.lineTo(viewWidth.toFloat(), 0f)
+ pathA!!.close()
+ return pathA
+ }//移动到c点
+ //从c到b画贝塞尔曲线,控制点为e
+ //移动到a点
+ //移动到k点
+ //从k到j画贝塞尔曲线,控制点为h
+ //移动到右下角
+ //移动到左下角
+ /**
+ * 获取f点在右上角的pathA
+ * @return
+ */
+ private val pathAFromTopRight: Path?
+ private get() {
+ pathA!!.reset()
+ pathA!!.lineTo(c!!.x, c!!.y) //移动到c点
+ pathA!!.quadTo(e!!.x, e!!.y, b!!.x, b!!.y) //从c到b画贝塞尔曲线,控制点为e
+ pathA!!.lineTo(a!!.x, a!!.y) //移动到a点
+ pathA!!.lineTo(k!!.x, k!!.y) //移动到k点
+ pathA!!.quadTo(h!!.x, h!!.y, j!!.x, j!!.y) //从k到j画贝塞尔曲线,控制点为h
+ pathA!!.lineTo(viewWidth.toFloat(), viewHeight.toFloat()) //移动到右下角
+ pathA!!.lineTo(0f, viewHeight.toFloat()) //移动到左下角
+ pathA!!.close()
+ return pathA
+ }//移动到左下角
+ //移动到c点
+ //从c到b画贝塞尔曲线,控制点为e
+ //移动到a点
+ //移动到k点
+ //从k到j画贝塞尔曲线,控制点为h
+ //移动到右上角
+ //闭合区域
+ /**
+ * 获取f点在右下角的pathA
+ * @return
+ */
+ private val pathAFromLowerRight: Path?
+ private get() {
+ pathA!!.reset()
+ pathA!!.lineTo(0f, viewHeight.toFloat()) //移动到左下角
+ pathA!!.lineTo(c!!.x, c!!.y) //移动到c点
+ pathA!!.quadTo(e!!.x, e!!.y, b!!.x, b!!.y) //从c到b画贝塞尔曲线,控制点为e
+ pathA!!.lineTo(a!!.x, a!!.y) //移动到a点
+ pathA!!.lineTo(k!!.x, k!!.y) //移动到k点
+ pathA!!.quadTo(h!!.x, h!!.y, j!!.x, j!!.y) //从k到j画贝塞尔曲线,控制点为h
+ pathA!!.lineTo(viewWidth.toFloat(), 0f) //移动到右上角
+ pathA!!.close() //闭合区域
+ return pathA
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制B区域内容
+ * @param canvas
+ * @param pathA
+ */
+ private fun drawPathBContent(
+ canvas: Canvas,
+ pathA: Path?
+ ) {
+ canvas.save()
+ canvas.clipPath(pathA!!) //裁剪出A区域
+ canvas.clipPath(getPathC()!!, Region.Op.INTERSECT) //裁剪出A和C区域的全集
+ canvas.clipPath(
+ getPathB()!!,
+ ) //裁剪出B区域中不同于与AC区域的部分
+ canvas.drawBitmap(pathBContentBitmap!!, 0f, 0f, null)
+ drawPathBShadow(canvas)
+ canvas.restore()
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制B区域阴影,阴影左深右浅
+ * @param canvas
+ */
+ private fun drawPathBShadow(canvas: Canvas) {
+ val deepOffset = 0 //深色端的偏移值
+ val lightOffset = 0 //浅色端的偏移值
+ val aTof = Math.hypot(
+ (a!!.x - f!!.x).toDouble(),
+ (a!!.y - f!!.y).toDouble()
+ ).toFloat() //a到f的距离
+ val viewDiagonalLength = Math.hypot(
+ viewWidth.toDouble(),
+ viewHeight.toDouble()
+ ).toFloat() //对角线长度
+ val left: Int
+ val right: Int
+ val top = c!!.y.toInt()
+ val bottom = (viewDiagonalLength + c!!.y).toInt()
+ val gradientDrawable: GradientDrawable?
+ if (style == STYLE_TOP_RIGHT) { //f点在右上角
+ gradientDrawable = drawableBTopRight
+ left = (c!!.x - deepOffset).toInt() //c点位于左上角
+ right = (c!!.x + aTof / 4 + lightOffset).toInt()
+ } else { //从右向左线性渐变
+ gradientDrawable = drawableBLowerRight
+ left = (c!!.x - aTof / 4 - lightOffset).toInt() //c点位于左下角
+ right = (c!!.x + deepOffset).toInt()
+ }
+ gradientDrawable!!.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom) //设置阴影矩形
+ val rotateDegrees = Math.toDegrees(
+ Math.atan2(
+ e!!.x - f!!.x.toDouble(),
+ h!!.y - f!!.y.toDouble()
+ )
+ ).toFloat() //旋转角度
+ canvas.rotate(rotateDegrees, c!!.x, c!!.y) //以c为中心点旋转
+ gradientDrawable.draw(canvas)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制区域B
+ * @return
+ */
+ private fun getPathB(): Path? {
+ pathB!!.reset()
+ pathB!!.lineTo(0f, viewHeight.toFloat()) //移动到左下角
+ pathB!!.lineTo(viewWidth.toFloat(), viewHeight.toFloat()) //移动到右下角
+ pathB!!.lineTo(viewWidth.toFloat(), 0f) //移动到右上角
+ pathB!!.close() //闭合区域
+ return pathB
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制C区域内容
+ * @param canvas
+ * @param pathA
+ */
+ private fun drawPathCContent(
+ canvas: Canvas,
+ pathA: Path?
+ ) {
+ canvas.save()
+ canvas.clipPath(pathA!!)
+ canvas.clipPath(getPathC()!!, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE) //裁剪出C区域不同于A区域的部分
+ // canvas.drawPath(getPathC(),pathCPaint);
+ val eh =
+ hypot(f!!.x - e!!.x.toDouble(), h!!.y - f!!.y.toDouble()).toFloat()
+ val sin0 = (f!!.x - e!!.x) / eh
+ val cos0 = (h!!.y - f!!.y) / eh
+ //设置翻转和旋转矩阵
+ mMatrixArray[0] = -(1 - 2 * sin0 * sin0)
+ mMatrixArray[1] = 2 * sin0 * cos0
+ mMatrixArray[3] = 2 * sin0 * cos0
+ mMatrixArray[4] = 1 - 2 * sin0 * sin0
+ mMatrix!!.reset()
+ mMatrix!!.setValues(mMatrixArray) //翻转和旋转
+ mMatrix!!.preTranslate(-e!!.x, -e!!.y) //沿当前XY轴负方向位移得到 矩形A₃B₃C₃D₃
+ mMatrix!!.postTranslate(e!!.x, e!!.y) //沿原XY轴方向位移得到 矩形A4 B4 C4 D4
+ canvas.drawBitmap(pathCContentBitmap!!, mMatrix!!, null)
+ drawPathCShadow(canvas)
+ canvas.restore()
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制C区域阴影,阴影左浅右深
+ * @param canvas
+ */
+ private fun drawPathCShadow(canvas: Canvas) {
+ val deepOffset = 1 //深色端的偏移值
+ val lightOffset = -30 //浅色端的偏移值
+ val viewDiagonalLength = Math.hypot(
+ viewWidth.toDouble(),
+ viewHeight.toDouble()
+ ).toFloat() //view对角线长度
+ val midpoint_ce = (c!!.x + e!!.x).toInt() / 2 //ce中点
+ val midpoint_jh = (j!!.y + h!!.y).toInt() / 2 //jh中点
+ val minDisToControlPoint = Math.min(
+ Math.abs(midpoint_ce - e!!.x),
+ Math.abs(midpoint_jh - h!!.y)
+ ) //中点到控制点的最小值
+ val left: Int
+ val right: Int
+ val top = c!!.y.toInt()
+ val bottom = (viewDiagonalLength + c!!.y).toInt()
+ val gradientDrawable: GradientDrawable?
+ if (style == STYLE_TOP_RIGHT) {
+ gradientDrawable = drawableCTopRight
+ left = (c!!.x - lightOffset).toInt()
+ right = (c!!.x + minDisToControlPoint + deepOffset).toInt()
+ } else {
+ gradientDrawable = drawableCLowerRight
+ left = (c!!.x - minDisToControlPoint - deepOffset).toInt()
+ right = (c!!.x + lightOffset).toInt()
+ }
+ gradientDrawable!!.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom)
+ val mDegrees = Math.toDegrees(
+ Math.atan2(
+ e!!.x - f!!.x.toDouble(),
+ h!!.y - f!!.y.toDouble()
+ )
+ ).toFloat()
+ canvas.rotate(mDegrees, c!!.x, c!!.y)
+ gradientDrawable.draw(canvas)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 绘制区域C
+ * @return
+ */
+ private fun getPathC(): Path? {
+ pathC!!.reset()
+ pathC!!.moveTo(i!!.x, i!!.y) //移动到i点
+ pathC!!.lineTo(d!!.x, d!!.y) //移动到d点
+ pathC!!.lineTo(b!!.x, b!!.y) //移动到b点
+ pathC!!.lineTo(a!!.x, a!!.y) //移动到a点
+ pathC!!.lineTo(k!!.x, k!!.y) //移动到k点
+ pathC!!.close() //闭合区域
+ return pathC
+ }
+ /**
+ * 计算各点坐标
+ * @param a
+ * @param f
+ */
+ private fun calcPointsXY(a: MyPoint?, f: MyPoint?) {
+ g!!.x = (a!!.x + f!!.x) / 2
+ g!!.y = (a.y + f.y) / 2
+ e!!.x = g!!.x - (f.y - g!!.y) * (f.y - g!!.y) / (f.x - g!!.x)
+ e!!.y = f.y
+ h!!.x = f.x
+ h!!.y = g!!.y - (f.x - g!!.x) * (f.x - g!!.x) / (f.y - g!!.y)
+ c!!.x = e!!.x - (f.x - e!!.x) / 2
+ c!!.y = f.y
+ j!!.x = f.x
+ j!!.y = h!!.y - (f.y - h!!.y) / 2
+ b = getIntersectionPoint(a, e, c, j)
+ k = getIntersectionPoint(a, h, c, j)
+ d!!.x = (c!!.x + 2 * e!!.x + b!!.x) / 4
+ d!!.y = (2 * e!!.y + c!!.y + b!!.y) / 4
+ i!!.x = (j!!.x + 2 * h!!.x + k!!.x) / 4
+ i!!.y = (2 * h!!.y + j!!.y + k!!.y) / 4
+ //计算d点到ae的距离
+ val lA = a.y - e!!.y
+ val lB = e!!.x - a.x
+ val lC = a.x * e!!.y - e!!.x * a.y
+ lPathAShadowDis = Math.abs(
+ (lA * d!!.x + lB * d!!.y + lC) / Math.hypot(
+ lA.toDouble(),
+ lB.toDouble()
+ ).toFloat()
+ )
+ //计算i点到ah的距离
+ val rA = a.y - h!!.y
+ val rB = h!!.x - a.x
+ val rC = a.x * h!!.y - h!!.x * a.y
+ rPathAShadowDis = Math.abs(
+ (rA * i!!.x + rB * i!!.y + rC) / Math.hypot(
+ rA.toDouble(),
+ rB.toDouble()
+ ).toFloat()
+ )
+ }
+ /**
+ * 计算两线段相交点坐标
+ * @param lineOne_My_pointOne
+ * @param lineOne_My_pointTwo
+ * @param lineTwo_My_pointOne
+ * @param lineTwo_My_pointTwo
+ * @return 返回该点
+ */
+ private fun getIntersectionPoint(
+ lineOne_My_pointOne: MyPoint?,
+ lineOne_My_pointTwo: MyPoint?,
+ lineTwo_My_pointOne: MyPoint?,
+ lineTwo_My_pointTwo: MyPoint?
+ ): MyPoint {
+ val x1: Float
+ val y1: Float
+ val x2: Float
+ val y2: Float
+ val x3: Float
+ val y3: Float
+ val x4: Float
+ val y4: Float
+ x1 = lineOne_My_pointOne!!.x
+ y1 = lineOne_My_pointOne.y
+ x2 = lineOne_My_pointTwo!!.x
+ y2 = lineOne_My_pointTwo.y
+ x3 = lineTwo_My_pointOne!!.x
+ y3 = lineTwo_My_pointOne.y
+ x4 = lineTwo_My_pointTwo!!.x
+ y4 = lineTwo_My_pointTwo.y
+ val pointX =
+ (((x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) - (x3 - x4) * (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1))
+ / ((x3 - x4) * (y1 - y2) - (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4)))
+ val pointY =
+ (((y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - x4 * y3) - (x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) * (y3 - y4))
+ / ((y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4)))
+ return MyPoint(pointX, pointY)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 计算C点的X值
+ * @param a
+ * @param f
+ * @return
+ */
+ private fun calcPointCX(a: MyPoint, f: MyPoint?): Float {
+ val g: MyPoint
+ val e: MyPoint
+ g = MyPoint()
+ e = MyPoint()
+ g.x = (a.x + f!!.x) / 2
+ g.y = (a.y + f.y) / 2
+ e.x = g.x - (f.y - g.y) * (f.y - g.y) / (f.x - g.x)
+ e.y = f.y
+ return e.x - (f.x - e.x) / 2
+ }
+ fun getViewWidth(): Float {
+ return viewWidth.toFloat()
+ }
+ fun getViewHeight(): Float {
+ return viewHeight.toFloat()
+ }
+ internal inner class MyPoint {
+ var x = 0f
+ var y = 0f
+ constructor() {}
+ constructor(x: Float, y: Float) {
+ this.x = x
+ this.y = y
+ }
+ }
+ companion object {
+ const val STYLE_LEFT = "STYLE_LEFT" //点击左边区域
+ const val STYLE_RIGHT = "STYLE_RIGHT" //点击右边区域
+ const val STYLE_MIDDLE = "STYLE_MIDDLE" //点击中间区域
+ const val STYLE_TOP_RIGHT = "STYLE_TOP_RIGHT" //f点在右上角
+ const val STYLE_LOWER_RIGHT = "STYLE_LOWER_RIGHT" //f点在右下角
+ }
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app:max="100" />
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
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- tools:ignore="RtlHardcoded" />
+ android:text="0"
+ tools:ignore="HardcodedText,RtlHardcoded" />
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+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -284,6 +284,14 @@
+ 页眉上
+ 页眉下
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+ 页眉右
+ 页脚上
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