You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

131 lines
7.2 KiB

# base on Vite2.x + Vue3.x + TypeScript H5 Low code platform
**English** | [中文](./
## Clone the main branch and ignore irrelevant branches such as git-pages
git clone --single-branch
## technology stack
- Programming Language:[TypeScript 4.x]( + [JavaScript](
- Build Tools:[Vite 2.x](
- Front End Frame:[Vue 3.x](
- Subnet Calculator:[Vue Router 4.x](
- State Management:[Vuex 4.x](
- PC UI Frame:[Element Plus](
- H5 UI Frame:[vant](
- CSS Pre:[Stylus]( / [Sass]( / [Less](
- HTTP Tool:[Axios](
- Git Hook 工具:[husky]( + [lint-staged](
- Coding Standards:[EditorConfig]( + [Prettier]( + [ESLint]( + [Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide](
- Submit Specifications:[Commitizen]( + [Commitlint](
- Unit Testing:[vue-test-utils]( + [jest]( + [vue-jest]( + [ts-jest](
- Auto Deploy:[GitHub Actions](
### Function List
- [x] Add pages dynamically
- [x] Drag and drop components
- [ ] service worker + indexeddb Implement server-free front-end interaction
- [ ] DataSource Admin Console
- [ ] Provide preset functions
- [ ] More component encapsulation
- [ ] Others...
### Generate component properties quickly
// 在vant文档中 chrome控制台输入以下代码,快速生成组件属性
let propObj = {
string: (config) => `createEditorInputProp(${JSON.stringify(config)})`,
number: (config) => `createEditorInputNumberProp(${JSON.stringify(config)})`,
boolean: (config) => `createEditorSwitchProp(${JSON.stringify(config)})`
$$('#props + table tbody tr').reduce((prev, curr) => {
const children = curr.children
const key = children[0].textContent.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (all, i) => i.toUpperCase())
const child3Text = children[3].textContent
const defaultValue = ['true', 'false'].includes(child3Text)
? child3Text
: `'${child3Text == '-' ? '' : child3Text}'`
const value = (propObj[children[2].textContent] ?? propObj['string'])({
label: `'${children[1].textContent}'`,
}).replaceAll('"', '')
prev[key] = value
return prev
}, {})
).replaceAll('"', '')
// 在vant文档中 chrome控制台输入以下代码,快速生成组件事件
$$('#events + table tbody tr').reduce((prev, curr) => {
const children = curr.children
const event = {
label: children[1].textContent,
value: children[0].textContent
return prev.concat([event])
}, [])
.replaceAll(/(?<!:)\"(?!,|})/g, '')
.replace(/\"/g, "'")
## Browser support
The `Chrome 80+` browser is recommended for local development
Support modern browsers, not IE
| [<img src="" alt=" Edge" width="24px" height="24px" />](</br>IE | [<img src="" alt=" Edge" width="24px" height="24px" />](</br>Edge | [<img src="" alt="Firefox" width="24px" height="24px" />](</br>Firefox | [<img src="" alt="Chrome" width="24px" height="24px" />](</br>Chrome | [<img src="" alt="Safari" width="24px" height="24px" />](</br>Safari |
| :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| not support | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
### Git Contribution submission specification
- `feat` Add new features
- `fix` Fix the problem/BUG
- `style` The code style is related and does not affect the running result
- `perf` Optimization/performance improvement
- `refactor` Refactor
- `revert` Undo edit
- `test` Test related
- `docs` Documentation/notes
- `chore` Dependency update/scaffolding configuration modification etc.
- `workflow` Workflow improvements
- `ci` Continuous integration
- `types` Type definition file changes
- `wip` In development
### Install and use
npm install
# or
yarn add
### run
npm run dev
### build
npm run build