Camera2 autofocus support

Mattia Iavarone 5 years ago
parent bef1044819
commit 14f03a43f6
  1. 239

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult;
import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap;
import android.location.Location;
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ import;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
@ -65,7 +67,6 @@ import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
// TODO zoom
// TODO exposure correction
// TODO autofocus
public class Camera2Engine extends CameraEngine implements ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener {
@ -101,11 +102,15 @@ public class Camera2Engine extends CameraEngine implements ImageReader.OnImageAv
private ImageReader mPictureReader;
private final boolean mPictureCaptureStopsPreview = false; // can make configurable at some point
// Autofocus
private PointF mAutoFocusPoint;
private Gesture mAutoFocusGesture;
public Camera2Engine(Callback callback) {
mMapper = Mapper.get(Engine.CAMERA2);
mManager = (CameraManager) mCallback.getContext().getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
mFrameConversionHandler = WorkerHandler.get("CameraViewFrameConversion");
mFrameConversionHandler = WorkerHandler.get("CameraFrameConversion");
//region Utilities
@ -221,6 +226,7 @@ public class Camera2Engine extends CameraEngine implements ImageReader.OnImageAv
if (mPictureRecorder instanceof Full2PictureRecorder) {
((Full2PictureRecorder) mPictureRecorder).onCaptureProgressed(partialResult);
if (isInAutoFocus()) onAutoFocusCapture(partialResult);
@ -229,6 +235,7 @@ public class Camera2Engine extends CameraEngine implements ImageReader.OnImageAv
if (mPictureRecorder instanceof Full2PictureRecorder) {
((Full2PictureRecorder) mPictureRecorder).onCaptureCompleted(result);
if (isInAutoFocus()) onAutoFocusCapture(result);
@ -537,6 +544,8 @@ public class Camera2Engine extends CameraEngine implements ImageReader.OnImageAv
mRepeatingRequest = null;
mAutoFocusPoint = null;
mAutoFocusGesture = null;
return Tasks.forResult(null);
@ -920,7 +929,7 @@ public class Camera2Engine extends CameraEngine implements ImageReader.OnImageAv
//region FrameProcessing
//region Frame Processing
@ -987,21 +996,235 @@ public class Camera2Engine extends CameraEngine implements ImageReader.OnImageAv
//region Auto focus
//region Auto Focus
public void startAutoFocus(@Nullable Gesture gesture, @NonNull PointF point) {
public void startAutoFocus(@Nullable final Gesture gesture, @NonNull final PointF point) {
LOG.i("startAutoFocus", "dispatching. Gesture:", gesture); Runnable() {
public void run() {
LOG.i("startAutoFocus", "executing. Engine state:", getEngineState());
if (getEngineState() < STATE_STARTED) return;
LOG.i("startAutoFocus", "executing. Preview state:", getPreviewState());
// This will only work when we have a preview, since it launches the preview in the end.
// Even without this it would need the bind state at least, since we need the preview size.
if (!mCameraOptions.isAutoFocusSupported()) return;
if (getPreviewState() < STATE_STARTED) return;
mAutoFocusPoint = point;
mAutoFocusGesture = gesture;
// This is a good Q/A.
// At first, the point is relative to the View system and does not account our own cropping.
// Will keep updating these two below.
//noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
PointF referencePoint = new PointF(point.x, point.y);
Size referenceSize /* = previewSurfaceSize */;
// 1. Account for cropping.
Size previewStreamSize = getPreviewStreamSize(REF_VIEW);
Size previewSurfaceSize = mPreview.getSurfaceSize();
if (previewStreamSize == null) throw new IllegalStateException("getPreviewStreamSize should not be null at this point.");
AspectRatio previewStreamAspectRatio = AspectRatio.of(previewStreamSize);
AspectRatio previewSurfaceAspectRatio = AspectRatio.of(previewSurfaceSize);
if (mPreview.isCropping()) {
if (previewStreamAspectRatio.toFloat() > previewSurfaceAspectRatio.toFloat()) {
// Stream is larger. The x coordinate must be increased: a touch on the left side
// of the surface is not on the left size of stream (it's more to the right).
float scale = previewStreamAspectRatio.toFloat() / previewSurfaceAspectRatio.toFloat();
referencePoint.x += previewSurfaceSize.getWidth() * (scale - 1F) / 2F;
} else {
// Stream is taller. The y coordinate must be increased: a touch on the top side
// of the surface is not on the top size of stream (it's a bit lower).
float scale = previewSurfaceAspectRatio.toFloat() / previewStreamAspectRatio.toFloat();
referencePoint.x += previewSurfaceSize.getHeight() * (scale - 1F) / 2F;
// 2. Scale to the stream coordinates (not the surface).
referencePoint.x *= (float) previewStreamSize.getWidth() / previewSurfaceSize.getWidth();
referencePoint.y *= (float) previewStreamSize.getHeight() / previewSurfaceSize.getHeight();
referenceSize = previewStreamSize;
// 3. Rotate to the stream coordinate system.
// Not elegant, but the sin/cos way was failing.
int angle = offset(REF_SENSOR, REF_VIEW);
boolean flip = angle % 180 != 0;
float tempX = referencePoint.x; float tempY = referencePoint.y;
if (angle == 0) {
referencePoint.x = tempX;
referencePoint.y = tempY;
} else if (angle == 90) {
//noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
referencePoint.x = tempY;
referencePoint.y = referenceSize.getWidth() - tempX;
} else if (angle == 180) {
referencePoint.x = referenceSize.getWidth() - tempX;
referencePoint.y = referenceSize.getHeight() - tempY;
} else if (angle == 270) {
referencePoint.x = referenceSize.getHeight() - tempY;
//noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
referencePoint.y = tempX;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected angle " + angle);
referenceSize = flip ? referenceSize.flip() : referenceSize;
// These points are now referencing the stream rect on the sensor array.
// But we still have to figure out how the stream rect is laid on the sensor array.
// For sanity, let's assume it is centered.
// For sanity, let's also assume that the crop region is equal to the stream region.
// 4. Move to the active sensor array coordinate system.
Rect activeRect = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics,
new Rect(0, 0, referenceSize.getWidth(), referenceSize.getHeight()));
referencePoint.x += (activeRect.width() - referenceSize.getWidth()) / 2F;
referencePoint.y += (activeRect.height() - referenceSize.getHeight()) / 2F;
referenceSize = new Size(activeRect.width(), activeRect.height());
// 5. Account for zoom! This only works for mZoomValue = 0.
// We must scale down with respect to the reference size center. If mZoomValue = 1,
// This must leave everything unchanged.
float maxZoom = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics,
CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM, 1F /* no zoom */);
float currZoom = 1 + mZoomValue * (maxZoom - 1); // 1 ... maxZoom
float currReduction = 1 / currZoom;
float referenceCenterX = referenceSize.getWidth() / 2F;
float referenceCenterY = referenceSize.getHeight() / 2F;
referencePoint.x = referenceCenterX + currReduction * (referencePoint.x - referenceCenterX);
referencePoint.y = referenceCenterY + currReduction * (referencePoint.y - referenceCenterY);
// 6. NOW we can compute the metering regions.
float visibleWidth = referenceSize.getWidth() * currReduction;
float visibleHeight = referenceSize.getHeight() * currReduction;
MeteringRectangle area1 = createMeteringRectangle(referencePoint, referenceSize, visibleWidth, visibleHeight, 0.05F, 1000);
MeteringRectangle area2 = createMeteringRectangle(referencePoint, referenceSize, visibleWidth, visibleHeight, 0.1F, 100);
// 7. And finally dispatch them...
List<MeteringRectangle> areas = Arrays.asList(area1, area2);
int maxReagionsAf = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics, CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF, 0);
int maxReagionsAe = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics, CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE, 0);
int maxReagionsAwb = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics, CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AWB, 0);
if (maxReagionsAf > 0) {
areas.subList(0, maxReagionsAf).toArray(new MeteringRectangle[]{}));
if (maxReagionsAe > 0) {
areas.subList(0, maxReagionsAe).toArray(new MeteringRectangle[]{}));
if (maxReagionsAwb > 0) {
areas.subList(0, maxReagionsAwb).toArray(new MeteringRectangle[]{}));
// 8. Set AF mode to AUTO so it doesn't use the CONTINUOUS schedule.
// When this ends, we will reset everything. We know CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO is available
// because we have called cameraOptions.isAutoFocusSupported().
mCallback.dispatchOnFocusStart(gesture, point);
mRepeatingRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO);
mRepeatingRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_START);
* Creates a metering rectangle around the center point.
* The rectangle will have a size that's a factor of the visible width and height.
* The rectangle will also be constrained to be inside the given boundaries,
* so we don't exceed them in case the center point is exactly on one side for example.
* @return a new rectangle
private MeteringRectangle createMeteringRectangle(
@NonNull PointF center, @NonNull Size boundaries,
float visibleWidth, float visibleHeight,
float factor, int weight) {
float halfWidth = factor * visibleWidth / 2F;
float halfHeight = factor * visibleHeight / 2F;
return new MeteringRectangle(
(int) Math.max(0, center.x - halfWidth),
(int) Math.max(0, center.y - halfHeight),
(int) Math.min(boundaries.getWidth(), halfWidth * 2F),
(int) Math.min(boundaries.getHeight(), halfHeight * 2F),
* Whether we are in an auto focus operation, which means that
* {@link CaptureResult#CONTROL_AF_MODE} is set to {@link CaptureResult#CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO}.
* @return true if we're in auto focus
private boolean isInAutoFocus() {
return mAutoFocusPoint != null;
* If this is called, we're in autofocus and {@link CaptureResult#CONTROL_AF_MODE}
* is set to {@link CaptureResult#CONTROL_AF_MODE_AUTO}.
* @param result the result
private void onAutoFocusCapture(@NonNull CaptureResult result) {
Integer afState = result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_STATE);
if (afState == null) {
LOG.e("onAutoFocusCapture", "afState is null! Assuming AF failed.");
switch (afState) {
case CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_STATE_INACTIVE: break;
case CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_STATE_ACTIVE_SCAN: break;
default: break;
* Called by {@link #onAutoFocusCapture(CaptureResult)} when we detect that the
* auto focus operataion has ended.
* @param success true if success
private void onAutoFocusEnd(boolean success) {
Gesture gesture = mAutoFocusGesture;
PointF point = mAutoFocusPoint;
mAutoFocusGesture = null;
mAutoFocusPoint = null;
if (point == null) return;
mCallback.dispatchOnFocusEnd(gesture, success, point);
if (shouldResetAutoFocus()) {, mAutoFocusResetRunnable);
private Runnable mAutoFocusResetRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (getEngineState() < STATE_STARTED) return;
Rect whole = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics,
CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, new Rect());
MeteringRectangle[] rectangle = new MeteringRectangle[]{new MeteringRectangle(whole, MeteringRectangle.METERING_WEIGHT_DONT_CARE)};
int maxReagionsAf = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics, CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AF, 0);
int maxReagionsAe = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics, CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AE, 0);
int maxReagionsAwb = readCharacteristic(mCameraCharacteristics, CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_MAX_REGIONS_AWB, 0);
if (maxReagionsAf > 0) mRepeatingRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_REGIONS, rectangle);
if (maxReagionsAe > 0) mRepeatingRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_REGIONS, rectangle);
if (maxReagionsAwb > 0) mRepeatingRequestBuilder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS, rectangle);
applyRepeatingRequestBuilder(); // only if preview started already
