| `-a <ACTION>` | specified action, such as `android.intent.action.VIEW` |
| `-a <ACTION>` | Specify the intent action, such as `android.intent.action.VIEW`. You can declare this only once. |
| `-c <CATEGORY>` | specify a category, such as `android.intent.category.APP_CONTACTS` |
| `-c <CATEGORY>` | Specify an intent category, such as `android.intent.category.APP_CONTACTS` |
| `-n <COMPONENT>` | specify the full component name, which is used to explicitly specify the start Activity, such as `com.example.app / .ExampleActivity` |
| `-n <COMPONENT>` | Specify the component name with package name prefix to create an explicit intent, such as `com.example.app/.ExampleActivity` |
`<INTENT>` can bring in data, like Bundle write code like:
There are some options addting data for `<INTENT>`, similar to `extra` for Bundle:
adb shell am start -n com.tencent.mm/.ui.LauncherUI
adb shell am start -n com.tencent.mm/.ui.LauncherUI
It represents transfer from the micro-channel main interface.
The command above means starting the launch activity of WeChat.
adb shell am start -n org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure/.MainActivity --es "toast" "hello, world"
adb shell am start -n org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure/.MainActivity --es "toast" "hello, world"
Expressed from the transfer `org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure / .MainActivity` key data string and pass it to` toast - hello, world`.
The command above means starting MainActivity of the application with the package name `org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure` with an extra string information (key is 'toast' and value is 'hello, world').
### Transferred from the Service
### Start a Service
The syntax is:
adb shell am startservice [options] <INTENT>
adb shell am startservice [options] <INTENT>
For example:
adb shell am startservice -n com.tencent.mm/.plugin.accountsync.model.AccountAuthenticatorService
adb shell am startservice -n com.tencent.mm/.plugin.accountsync.model.AccountAuthenticatorService
Service represents a transfer from micro-letter.
The command above means starting a service from WeChat.
### Transmits broadcast
### Send a broadcast
The syntax is:
adb shell am broadcast [options] <INTENT>
adb shell am broadcast [options] <INTENT>
All components can be broadcast to be broadcast only to the specified component.
Broadcast intent can be sent to all components or a specified component.
For example, all of the components to broadcast `BOOT_COMPLETED`:
For example, the command of issuing a broadcast intent with `BOOT_COMPLETED` to all of the components is as following:
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED
As another example, only to `org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure / .BootCompletedReceiver` broadcast` BOOT_COMPLETED`:
As another example of issuing a broadcast intent with `BOOT_COMPLETED` only to `org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure / .BootCompletedReceiver` is as following:
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED -n org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure/.BootCompletedReceiver
adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED -n org.mazhuang.boottimemeasure/.BootCompletedReceiver
Such usage is very practical in the test, such as a broadcast scenes difficult to manufacture, can be considered to transmit broadcast in this way.
The command of issuing a broadcast intent is very useful in the test, especially when a broatcast intent is hard to generate normally, it would be of great use to send the broadcast intent by the command.
Both predefined broadcast transmission system can also send a custom broadcast. The following is part of the normal pre-defined radio and Trigger timing:
Both system predefined and custom broadcast intent are able to be sent. The following is part of the system predefined broadcast intents and the triggers: